
迄今仍沒有任何汽化爐能像SVEA 123R,歷經一世紀無數的試鍊。

DSC02082.JPG 一切就從 SVEA 123R 說起  

還記的2010年7月Leo說他有個寶貝要給我瞧瞧,我半信半疑的問是什麼呀?他回答:是男人的玩意兒.到了他房間一看,不就是顆銅製的爐子嘛,有啥看的,我跟他說:都什麼年代了還在用這東西,那麼重體積那麼大,怎麼放在背包裡阿,他說:唉,小男孩,你不懂這東西呀叫做123是顆經典的爐子,他邊說邊操作,先用倒入酒精在預熱槽裡然後點火 ,約過20-30秒后轉動控油閥聽到了油氣往上衝的聲音,因為預熱槽內的酒精還在燃燒就順勢點燃了爐頭,一開始爐子有點氣喘 ,我還在笑哈哈的說這啥東西阿.一點都不威,Leo說再等等,他還不夠熱油壺內壓力不足,約過了二分鐘氣喘聲不見了,取而代之的是怒吼的咆哮聲,再一回分火盤上出現了所謂櫻桃紅.    

  The Svea is an ultra-classic lightweight gasoline stove built of solid brass. It has been around for a century and still sets the stabdard for compact outdoor cooking equipment. We doubt that any other outdoor stove has yet been field tasted as much as the Svea. Widely used by climbers all over the world, this stove is renowned for its performance at high altitudes. The Svea is ideal for single ventures,  high altitude cooking or whenever stuff volume and weight must be kept low. The lid of the stove also servws as a small cooking pot. 


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